Thirty Days of Gratitude



Brenda Strohbehn from Petals from the Basket, has encouraged me  in so many ways. Since November is the month of Thanksgiving, she is encouraging us to express gratitude everyday this month for the blessings God has given us. I’m not talking about the simple every-day things for which I know that we are all truly  thankful and should take the time to reflect and express gratitude to God, the giver of all good gifts. 

What Brenda is encouraging us to do is to focus on the PEOPLE that God has placed in our lives to bless us and encourage us. As we ponder those who have impacted our lives, we are to respond and communicate with them and express our gratitude for what they mean to us.

Even if she hadn’t picked God to be the first of our focus, I would have done that anyway. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without Him, nor would I want to even try. His grace is so abundant! First, He chose to save me. I don’t know why. There really is nothing good in me that He didn’t do, and I still fall so short of where I ought to be. But He loved me. And give me grace each day. I am alive with fairly good health. He has given me a family to love and bless. He chooses to use me–in ways some of which I don’t even know. He created a beautiful world for us to enjoy ~ especially the beautiful colors of the autumn season.

So God, thank you for being my gracious Father, who lovingly guides, directs, chastens, and blesses me.

About CallingUsUpward

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing yet had been done.” C.S.Lewis Andy and I have been married for 20 years and have three children in double digits.
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